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田中 いずみ


おすすめ度 ★★★★☆


★★★★★ 2001-02-11 Great Book! すばらしい本!
I have known Mrs. Tanaka for over ten years, she is one of my dearest friends -- but not only that. I have learned countless lessons on life, and learning from her. I have seen her teach young children and smile proudly as they went on to extremely elite universities years later. And I have wathed her own children grow into marvelous adults with fantastic English abilities under her guidance. Her philosophies on learning and teaching work. I have seen it with my own eyes over and over again. And I am so happy that her wisdom is now out there for all to read. My Japanese friends all love this book and tell me again and again how much they use it. I hope everyone can benefit from it as I and my friends have.